Sports involvement is a crucial part of a high school student’s life. Being a student athlete comes with a lot of positives. Such as building work ethic, determination and building lifelong relationships.
These relationships and memories can last a lifetime, and they allow you to continue to grow mentally and physically. Most of the time, it is not the effort that holds the student back from their best, it is the cost.
The cost can outweigh the diligence, determination, and unwavering commitment to being your best every time. Money in any situation is a determining factor on whether or not you can participate or even go in the first place.
The financial burden of being an athlete typically goes unnoticed. For many high school athletes, the equipment cost depending on the sport, training, and travel can be straining. Sometimes, it even slows down the process of athletes reaching their full potential.
Usually, expenses range between $100 to $1,000 depending on the sport that you play. The cost can include the shoes, equipment as well as uniform and any other necessary accessory.
A student-athlete at UACHS who wishes to remain anonymous expresses how finances can cause stress.
“I’ve been blessed to be able to afford the workouts, and travel teams,” said anonymous. “I’ve been fortunate enough for my mom to help me with what I can’t afford; I definitely can see how it would deter some kids from playing.”
Charles Funches, alumni and boys basketball coach, shares his perspective on the financial aspect relating to the sport he once played.
“When I attended school here, we didn’t have the same resources as bigger, athletic focused schools,” said Funches. “I could not afford extra gear or warm ups, so I had to make do with what I had; the financial burden was real, but I still pushed through.”
Despite the obstacles that come with being an athlete, the love one may have for the sport can overpower that. There will always be struggles in the picture, but letting the burdens that come with it bring us down or lift us up is our choice.
It can either take over or you can decide to keep pushing forward to play at your greatest potential. The choice is yours.