Imagine walking the halls after a long weekend. You have not encountered any of your close friends when you are already hearing “where is my hug at?” Automatically, your mood is ruined by the want to be “him.”
That is right, everyone knows several of these. Yes, many handsome young men roam around with self confidence, but are they really all that? Is there such a thing as “him?”
Here at UACHS, there is an epidemic of “I am him” guys. It may be funny and playful at first, but it is slowly becoming annoying and repetitious.
The “I am him” mentality has ingrained into these guys minds and now has become their whole personality.
Within this mentality, they become stuck-up, misogynistic guys who think they have control over the people they may be friends or even in a relationship with.
As appealing as they may think it is, it is actually a disgusting mindset that has been influenced in these past few months.
UACHS senior, William (Billy) Davis, has fallen victim to the mindset of “being him.”
“I wake up, I’m him. I’m eating, I’m him. Everybody else is a fan.” said Davis.
This new trend of the “ideal man mindset” is deteriorating boys who have barely developed into men yet.
In reality, these men look like tryhards who are undesirable and desperate while trying to look tough.
Although this mindset is not favored by many, there are some who might think otherwise.
UACHS assistant principal, James Papcun believes that the “himothy” mindset is actually beneficial for young men.
“It is a great confidence boost to think you are “him” as long as that confidence is being used in a positive light,” said Papcun.
While the men of UACHS may believe being “him,” is the wave, as a female, it can be unattractive at times and is not always beneficial in a social setting.
Being yourself and accepting who you are is the real “him” mentality. Being confident is amazing and if you can exude being “him” without putting others down then that’s best.
What is most important is that you start being you. Once this happens, maybe the person you are trying so hard to impress will like you even more.