You are not alone

Standey Sauveur, Staff Reporter

Most of you know how this feels; you are failing a class and you have low self-esteem. You get home late every day from doing countless activities, then you spend hours doing homework only to fall asleep and wake up at 5:00 am stressed, depressed, anxious, or mentally exhausted. School can be an escape for many, but sometimes you get to school to face the teachers who probably do not care about what’s going on at home only to repeat the depressing process over again the next day. It feels like you’re suffocating. 

           A UACHS student, who would like to remain anonymous, believes that coming to school is more comforting than being at home.

           “I feel more comfortable at school because I’ve learned to see it as a safe space to get away from home,” Anonymous said. “ Even if I’m not enjoying school, my significant other makes coming to school a lot better.”

                 Growing up is difficult. At times you have to uphold a certain standard for your family. You are told since childhood that you have to be one of three things: a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. You are told that you aren’t enough. That you need to work harder. Asked why you can’t be like every other kid. Told that your friends are better than you. That you don’t matter. Don’t talk to me if you don’t meet my expectations. 

           These are all things that could affect you mentally, emotionally, and psychologically. Coming to school for some brings a sense of comfort, and an outlet to relieve stress, but the reality is that you must do classwork. With the negative feelings you already have, you feel like you can’t do anything, so you receive a zero for the day. You realize that you are burnt out at school and at home. 

   “I tend to feel burned out daily, especially when I’m stressed. It’s a suffocating and frustrating feeling,” said Anonymous, “It’s hard explaining to your teachers why you haven’t turned in some of their assignments.”

 The living situations are different for many people. Some students are afraid to go home while others are comfortable at home. Home where you aren’t heard or felt respected, while school can sometimes be the same. This causes students to decline in their academics because of the pressure at home and the fact that school exists. 

Mental health should be prioritized in schools so the students don’t feel so alone. It is important because it includes our emotional, and psychological well-being. It affects how we think, feel, react, and act.  

Many students have issues and demons to face in school and at home. There are many different ways to cope with the pain, and overwhelming emotions you feel. If you have a problem, talk to a trusted adult, therapist, counselor, friend, and trusted family members. Please know that you’re not on this boat alone. There are others out there struggling too.