It’s Almost Time To Bag It Up

Its Almost Time To Bag It Up

Garrielle Baldwin, Staff Reporters

Everywhere around the internet and around the community you might see people promoting the wellness of the Earth. Maybe you wonder when any of their promotions will ever amount to anything. Maybe this time, our plans and hopes will come to fruition. Maybe this time everyone will start doing their part. 

Plastic bags and paper bags have been officially banned as of May 4th. Though some places in Jersey City and New Jersey have started early, people will now have to reuse those plastic bags, especially if they refuse to pay a one time purchase for a couple reusable bags from stores and restaurants. 

According to, “…Paper bags require ten times the amount of trucks to deliver the same quantity of bags, resulting in increased truck traffic and diesel emissions. The statewide ban on disposable bags goes into effect on May 4, 2022, and will create an effective and uniform sustainable policy for all shoppers and business owners in NJ.” 

As parts of New Jersey have been minimizing plastic products, which have also been helpful, there is even more action to come. The plastic bag ban was announced by Governor Phil Murphy and the New Jersey Legislature back in November 2020. 

Some customers and even workers stress over this action being taken because those customers do not feel like paper straws or paper bags are durable, or as strong as those daily plastic products they used to use. There are people who evidently like the idea, who also believe the idea can have a positive impact on the environment.

An anonymous customer who usually stops at Walmart and QuickChek has a different perspective. 

“Plastic bags are used for the purpose of being recycled. Plus, what if I do not have another bag? The cost of what I am buying will already be high, so there goes another four dollars, or I am carrying everything I bought in my hands. This seems unfair,” said Anonymous. 

The Earth has provided for us and has put up with our damage and destruction that we have caused for years. Doing the Earth a favor by participating to take care of its animals, help other humans around us, and help make the environment brighter and more colorful is the least we can do.