“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” is a phrase that is repeated often as a means to showcase how words can not physically hurt you, but in reality words hurt. They stick with you a lot longer than any physical ailment ever will. In a perfect world, everyone would be accepted for who they are and one’s reputation would not define them. Unfortunately, this is not the world we live in. No matter what one does or what they say there is always someone around who has something to say.
The word “bop” which has been around for decades was once used to refer to a jig or to dance to, has now turned into an insult, frequently used to bring down girls.
According to wikiHow, “A “bop” is someone who posts promiscuous photos or “gets around.”
Ren Nguyen, a freshman at Rutgers shares her experience facing “bop” allegations and how it impacted her self-image.
“ I do not adhere to the typical “bop” stereotypes; I do not get around or talk to or like multiple guys at the same time,” said Nguyen. “I would get really upset after hearing that men have called me that only to then admit to their friends that they wanted to get with me.”
Although there are a lot of negatives that come with this rumor, there are some positives that come alongside it, such as self-worth.
“Every guy I know has tried to get with me and failed because I’m NOT a bop,” said Nguyen. “The accusers are the real sore losers who failed at bagging someone they deemed easy; I’ve grown to like myself more and I win at the end of the day because I am attractive and they are mad they can not get me.”
There will always be someone who views you differently, and despite how people view you due to your reputation, the only opinion that matters is yours. If you hold yourself in high regard and are aware of your worth, these people and words can never get to you.
“I have distanced myself from those “friends” and people who created these rumors, and I live my own life in peace,” said Nguyen. “They can think what they want but maybe they will live out their days and eventually realize that I am more than a body for them to gawk at, and how I have not done anything to any of them for these rumors to spread, but I can only hope.”
Regardless of what someone does in their personal life or how it looks on the outside, it is no ones business besides that person. Even if someone fits the description, no one gains anything from calling them out. Keep your peace and let others do the same.