You are going through the motions after you and your ex-partner just broke up. With a heavy heart and memories replaying in your head, you attempt to forget about them. You remove each other off social media, delete photos with them in it and overall try erasing their entire existence.
In your efforts to move on, there is something you can not get rid of during your healing process, your exes friends. It seems as though they are more hurt over your breakup than you are. You catch them giving disgusted glances or whispering things into each other’s ear as you walk by. Leading you to wonder if the relationship was between you and them, or you, them, and their friends?
Going to school with someone you once dated brings many challenges. The toughest one being running into the person in the halls. Closely followed by those that are clearly invested in your misery. It feels as if your every move is being watched and then reported back to their spies.
When talking to someone new, you feel as if their eyes are burning into your skin and automatically reporting back to your ex.
Unable to live in peace after the breakup, your ex’s friend group prays for your downfall. The constant stares and side remarks start intruding in your life, even after they are no longer a part of it. It even gets to a point where you are not sure how to make everything stop.
Despite everything that you see and hear or the negative energy that you feel, remember who you truly are. A break up is not always the end of the world, but instead a time for growth and self reflection. A time for reaching your full potential. Remember that for every hater out there in the world there are tons more who appreciate you for you.