In a world full of high standards and even higher expectations, there will always be those who rise above all others. There are those that every one notices and either wants to be like them or be better than them. However, living each day longing for the validation of others, is exhausting, resulting in nothing, but doubt each time.
When you do reach your peak and are at your most confident, it radiates off of you, but does your sparkle have to diminish others’ self-image?
Confidence is a tricky feeling. It is so hard to gain, yet so easy to lose once you have it. Many build it through acts of self-love, like doing a spa day or getting your nails and hair done. While others build theirs off of the insecurity of the people around them.
If your self-assurance is based on someone else’s downfall, then you are simply lying to yourself. It just means you are just as insecure as the next person.
UACHS sophomore, Javion Jordan, reflects on his prior experiences where someone was making him feel less than to make themselves feel better.
“People used to try to put me down by making side comments, giving dirty looks, and being rude. They would also cyberbully me too,” said Jordan. “I know they say and do those things because they are weak and by talking badly about me it makes them feel better about themselves.”
Confidence that is built on an improper foundation will lead to a vicious cycle of nastiness. There will always be someone who has more than you or looks better than you. The greatness you seek will never find you and you will never find peace. People can see through the fake friendliness and will not believe that you are as happy or confident as you appear to be.
A house built on another person’s tears never stands. Until you learn to be content with what you have accomplished, you’ll never find your peak to happiness.