Dedicated and inspired English teacher Lisa Sambula has been named the 2024 UACHS Teacher of the Year. The overwhelming support of her current and former students along with the support of staff members encourage her to do her best every day. Her hard work, animated teaching style, and care led to her reaping this amazing award.Sambula is known for her passion and commitment towards education and works hard to make learning something to look forward to. Having a fun environment helps students do their best. Staff and students admire her efforts and her contributions to all students’ success. “My teaching philosophy, I would say, is students first,” Sambula said. “I try to listen to my students and learn from them and see how they can learn from me; I think I let the students lead in that because some teachers feel that you have to tell students what to do, how to learn.”Allowing students to have a say, allows her to use their energy to fuel what she needs to do in her classroom. Sambula believes that her source of motivation comes from students. “I think the students just being around energize me,” Sambula said. “When I step into the building, I feel very energized because of the students.”Teaching can be challenging and teachers do not often know their impact until students let them know. This award was a welcome surprise that proves her impact is felt.”It was very unexpected, and I just feel like I’m being recognized for the work that I’ve put into this school,” Sambula said. “It is truly an honor.”Being able to be a shoulder to lean on for students is critical for Sambula, which is why building a strong foundation between her students is the most important thing to her.
“I think the most impactful thing is that my students feel loved,” said Sambula. “One even called me their school mom, and that means everything to me as a teacher.”
School can be a positive outlet for many to express themselves freely. However, many students do not look forward to being at school. Having a teacher that cares goes a long way in helping students to acquire a love for school.To have a teacher like Sambula who will be there for you through your struggles and your good times while encouraging you to be your best, is extremely powerful. If you see Sambula in the halls remember to give her a warm congratulations!