Going to school is a series of attending classes you may need and sitting in on those that you definitely feel are a waste of time. Students are expected to focus on core subjects like math, science, English, and history. However, the reality is that students need more than just Shakespeare, Calculus, and the periodic table.
After graduating high school we are expected to handle responsibilities like building our credit, cooking and applying for loans, yet we are never taught how to do these things. We are left to figure it out on our own.
With the new addition of drones and robot building to amplify the school, there are still no life skill additions. Skills such as cooking, kitchen safety, sewing, and how to handle money.
Michael Prout, who teaches financial literacy and entrepreneurship at UACHS, is motivated to prepare students for real world challenges.
“A lot of times, kids leave school and are like a deer in headlights,” said Prout. “While in school, you’re coddled, but now you’re in the real world, which is why I try to help students understand how the real world works. It’s not easy out there.”
Unfortunately, many students do not know how to take care of themselves or learn how to until we are young adults and living on our own.
“I’m worried for my students,” said Prout. “Some of them spend more time on their phones than understanding how the real world works; It is not just what you see on instagram and tik tok.”
Being booksmart is essential to succeed in your future, but also learning about how to navigate the outside world works is vital and is what many need to know in order to survive life in general.
Be aware of the information you are taught in school, listen to the advice your teachers are giving you and be vocal about the additional courses you feel should be available.
Take time off your phone to actually listen and pay attention. Many of the lessons you need are happening right in front of you, but you are too distracted to know.