When you browse online, every website and program has a science behind it. It does not show up on its own and it is also not as easy as it sounds. Shakirah Hinton, a new edition to the STEAM crew this year, is the intro to microcomputing and web page design teacher. She hopes to teach students the nuances of web page design and development.
Hinton loves being a part of anything that can develop something for the future. Whether it is developing an online webpage, preparing students to learn how to work with advancements in computers or college readiness.
Having a dual certification, being able to teach business and computer classes, she chose microcomputing because of Hinton’s belief that we need these skills for the real world.
“I know that these skills are what you’re going to need when you actually go into the real world so I just like to make real-life connections,”said Hinton. “Students do not realize it until they need it for jobs.” Hinton wants to be able to share her passion for education and learning with her students. She is not only teaching the subject area, but also giving real-life situations and scenarios to help her student’s outlook on life.
“I like working with kids and like to watch their development, especially teenagers from the beginning of the year towards the end,” said Hinton. “To know that I made an impact and not teaching the subject area to help alter their outlook on life.
She enters UACHS with an optimistic mindset, knowing her dedication to her subject matter will bring students very far. Her mind is always on the future, knowing that what you do now affects what you do later. She hopes that her dedication will make students prepared in not only the subject, but in real life. She is determined to make as much of an impact in the lives of her students as possible.“I hope to build positive experiences with students,” said Hinton. “I call it being a real-model, not a role-model.”