Imagine you are at lunch eating with friends and your phone receives several notifications. From across the room, you can feel someone giving you laser eyes. You ignore it thinking it’s just a coincidence. You check your phone and see comments that are all about you. Your face, your body, what you are wearing, and what you are doing. You start to hear rumors about yourself and then start to question if what is being said is true. Why pick on me? What is it about me that triggers this person? Then you realize, it’s not you. This is about them.
We all know people like this. People who are insecure and tear people down for their own pleasure. People who feel so bad about themselves that they spew hateful nonsense about others to make themselves feel better.
They spread ridiculous rumors, eventually making it impossible for their victim to escape the lies. Insecurities can take over people’s lives. People become this way from exposure to many things. It could be things like social media, discussions about body image, or even from being around peers. A multitude of things end up affecting your mental well-being and leading you to have low self esteem and insecurity.
However, guess what?! It’s time for a reality check: You are not going through this alone! Many people suffer from the dreaded ailment called insecurity.
According to, “ Insecurity is a lack of confidence or assurance; self doubt.”
All of your insecurities could come from a lack of self-esteem. Those that try to hide their low self esteem tend to pick on others so it can make them feel better about themselves, and forget how they really felt in the first place.
Not to mention people who have been in unhealthy relationships where their partner was untrustworthy or treated them poorly, might hold onto feelings of self doubt. Insecurity makes it difficult for our voices to be heard and it leaves us questioning ourselves.
According to a article,“People would put people down to boost their own confidence. Feeling a need to do so could have many different causes. For instance, maybe they are harshly criticized at home or maybe they have been bullied themselves.”
Even if you are exposed to a harmful environment at home to cause this insecurity,
people need to not take pain and turn it into pride. This can cause others pain and can lead to more serious problems. Bringing another person down will never fill the void left behind by insecurity.
Self doubt and insecurities will always exist. They are a part of the human experience and for many people it is something that is never outgrown. One thing we can do is stop focusing on others and put effort into the positivity we put out into the world. Spreading positivity can only help in lessening the insecurities we all tend to feel.
No one is immune to these feelings but everyone can avoid imposing their negativity on others. Remember we never know what others are feeling on the inside and should treat everyone the way we would like to be treated.