The Fastest lady general
January 31, 2023
Runners on your marks. Get set. Go! In the time it takes to tie your sneakers, UACHS
history has already been made. With the motivation to start strong and finish stronger, new runner, and Freshman at UACHS, Jania Siland, is the fastest, female, long distance runner this year.
From the beginning, Siland knew high school was the right place to make a name for herself and focus on her hobbies. Running is her outlet to branch out and discover her passion in sports.
Cross country consists of running miles, throughout grassy and rough terrain. Although it was emotionally and physically difficult, Siland finds that she favors cross country over the others.
“I felt as though cross country is more like a close community, I just liked how we had our own little family, ” said Siland. “But it was hard, I was running three miles and it honestly hurt.”
Although her favorite season is over, the young athlete continues to stay motivated
and push herself to her own limits. The entirety of the track season lasts until the end of the school year. The season ends in the Spring with Outdoor track. In the spring, the races are shorter, compared to the Indoor, winter season. However, Siland has all the time to prepare, as her career as a runner is only just beginning.
“I told myself that once high school came I will do my own thing. I like that I have been doing that,” said Siland. “I was running cross country since freshman academy, but I’m doing track now so I want to keep it like that, hopefully until senior year.”
As the season progresses, the only thing she can do is work hard, and keep pushing. With the spring track season now approaching, Siland and her team will continue to run fast and hopefully achieve their goals.