‘Tis the season for holiday spirit

Christmas ornament hanging on tree. Photo Credit: Flickr
December 6, 2022
I wake up, walk downstairs and feel the frosty, cool air from the window. I smell delicious cinnamony food. The wonderful scent catches me and pushes me towards it, imploring me to eat it. I find Kofa, salads, and even better, HOT CHOCOLATE! While my mother is busy making magically traditional food, I stop and think for a moment. It’s CHRISTMAS!
The holidays are full of festive activities and recreation. Reuniting with family and friends brings joy, excitement, warmth, cheerfulness, and so much more as new and old traditions are observed.
Every family has different ways of celebrating the holidays. It can be by decorating
your home with your traditions and celebrating practices or wearing traditional clothing or new outfits you have brought. Ameenah Lawrence, a junior at UACHS, states her impressions and opinions about the holidays.
“I feel the holiday spirit by being reminded of all the nostalgia I have for my life,” said Lawrence. “Often, my mom will play old home videos, and we sit on the couch together and watch, remembering all the good times in our lives.”
The holiday season is not just for those that celebrate Christmas, Kwanzaa, or
Hannukah; this time of year can also be restful for people who may not celebrate one of these holidays. Although she doesn’t celebrate Christmas, Eman Atshan, a junior at UACHS, speaks of her experiences during the holiday time of year.
“When the break comes, I always think of resting and taking care of my deteriorated health,” said Atshan. “I enjoy the break because I can travel and explore new places, have quality family time, and rest.”
Cooking traditional foods, singing, dancing traditionally, watching movies, and enjoying your time with your family are all ways of showing your holiday spirit. Not only this, but memories of old times of the holidays bring a sense of nostalgia.
The holidays shine more from the love and appreciation the holidays bring. People feel connected in special ways during this time of year. The tenderness for the past, courage for the present, and hope for the future all equal the holiday spirit.