The Grinch called COVID

December 18, 2020
‘Tis the season to enjoy your favorite carols, plays, and decorations; but while we’re singing Christmas songs, COVID is saying “BAH HUMBUG!”. UACHS celebrates Christmas every year by putting on our annual winter showcase, performed by the drama and music club. There are many scrooges when it comes to this jolly occasion; but the main one has been COVID.
COVID has been extra naughty this year and has been the cause of many cancelled events. The drama and music club have found a way to keep everyone safe and healthy, but also keep them entertained.
This year both events will be found on YouTube! Every year the show includes many talented, UACHS kids singing and acting. The only differences are that the show will be through a screen instead of in person; there will also be two different events. As we all know, COVID has affected everyone. It has been the cause of online school and online meetings. This is also the reason why the events will be separated this year. Music teacher, Joseph Rizzolo, blames COVID for making this event more stressful and hard than it needed to be.
“In a school environment it’s easier to help the kids work together and it would have been easier to collaborate. I want to work with them. I just don’t think we really have the means to do it right now,” said Rizzolo.
Rizzolo and his students have been practicing for the show since October. They are planning to have a live zoom, then posting the content from the zoom onto YouTube. The content will consist of some Christmas songs as well as composed songs that the students have originally made! All students from music appreciation, instrumental, and choir are going to be sharing their talents and authentic music.
“I’m really excited for the kids to share their music; they have been working so hard on it. We want to bring people joy and positivity for Christmas, or whatever holiday they celebrate; we just want to bring hope for this new year,” said Rizzolo.
While Rizzolo is preparing for his show Marleny Alonzo, teacher for the drama club, has faced some setbacks. The props are separated, there was always choreography involved in the skits, and editing all of the clips together has been a bit confusing for Alonzo.
“We had a delayed start with getting scenes for the show and there has been some struggle with getting the job done through Zoom and video editing. Also, our props for scenes are normally all purchased and gathered into one spot in time to have the show in school, but since it won’t be in the school, the actors need to pick up their own items,” said Alonzo.
Because of these unfortunate delays, the show will most likely be out the second week of January. It will also be available on zoom or through YouTube. Although Alonzo and the drama club have been facing separation and online issues, they aren’t going to let COVID stop them from having their fun.
“I’m excited for the show because I love theater and I love doing this kind of stuff, even though all of this is new I’m looking forward to seeing it all work together,” said Alonzo.
The drama club members have been working hard and have fought through the audio issues. Senior, Miriam Maburi, is one example by showing her excitement of the show’s outcome.
“It is sad that the show won’t be in person and it does make things a little harder but this is a new experience for all of us so it will be kind of cool,” said Maburi.
While COVID is trying to bring down the holiday spirit, both shows aren’t letting that stop them. Both events will be coming up very soon. Don’t forget to log on, sit back, relax, and watch the entertainment the shows will bring.