A guide to young love: healthy relationships
March 30, 2020
As a teenage girl who’s never been in a long lasting relationship, keeping the bond and communication with a boy was and still is rather difficult, but I think I understand now.
The first few months of the relationship is what I’d like to call the “honeymoon phase.” The couple is still getting used to the idea of being together and have yet to get into an in depth argument. They are seen by each other’s side all day and can often be heard saying ‘I love you more. No, I love you more’. This was the most blissful part for me as I thought that this would be the vibe of it forever, boy was I wrong.
Being around him 24/7 I started to feel confined; I had most of my conversations with him and that made me feel alone. I relied on him to make me feel better about myself when in reality I should have been comfortable with who I was. I understood that I had to embrace myself before I could embrace us.
Sophomore Jordan Jerez has also gone through this experience.
“I have felt confined before while being in a relationship. I felt pressured into a relationship and to stay in the relationship,” said Jerez.
In many relationships, after about three to six months the couple should begin to realize that being on top of each other all day isn’t necessary and they should be able to live separate lives while also being together. This is needed for a couple to stay strong because being together all day, you may start to get sick of each other. Having space from your partner throughout the weeks can do you good.
To drift away from your significant other physically while staying emotionally close is a difficult, but not impossible, task. The key is communication. Texting, video chatting, or voice calling is always helpful in keeping the connection with a boyfriend or girlfriend.
According to Planned parenthood’s guide to keeping a healthy relationship,
“Talk to your partner about your feelings… If you’re upset, say so — don’t make your partner try to figure out what’s up.” The guide adds, “Talking through problems builds trust and makes your relationship stronger… don’t forget to let them know when something they do makes you happy.”
There are also other important topics to discuss in your relationship. Jerez believes that commitment is germane to consider.
“You should discuss if you love each other for real and are you guys ready to stick together and really be together ‘forever’,” said Jerez.
It is essential to discuss with your partner how comfortable you are with every aspect of the relationship. It is necessary to create boundaries, explaining your likes and dislikes. Discussions about how fast you want to progress and what you expect out of the relationship are important as well.
Everyone may have a different idea of what a healthy relationship might consist of. When in doubt, this guide is helpful to maintaining it.