
Jessye Greene

This issue, The Student Voice, is chiming in on a plethora of issues experienced by the students of UACHS. We are taking a look at the risks of having sex, the perils of falling in love, the importance that sneakers have in our lives and the eventual loss of a loved one and its aftermath. Grief and love are an inevitable part of everyone’s life. As time passes by and we grow the more our lives and relationships evolve; we make best friends, we fall in love, we cheat, we spend time with the people we love and we lose some along the way.
In high school, teens tend to believe that they are in love with the people they date. While our parents and other adults say it’s just puppy love, I speak for us when I say it’s real in our eyes. We feel butterflies, our emotions increase, and for some sex happens. Many teens in our school are sexually active, but not everyone knows the dangers that can come from this. It’s not just a matter of trust and fidelity, you can potentially end up with an STD or worse.
Everyone experiences grief. Whether it is due to the loss of a friend, a significant other, a parent or a family member. Grief leaves us in disbelief and leaves us to wonder what if we could have done anything differently.
While love and grief impact many of our lives, there are other things on our minds. This year, voting is a big deal for all Americans, especially those turning 18. It is increasingly clear that it is important to exercise your right to vote as soon as you are legally able to do so.
Last but not least, the Student Voice will highlight our athletes by discussing baseball, softball, and Jaiden Frazier who holds UACHS’ shot put record.
As with every issue, we strive to provide the latest news and trends while also highlighting topics that are important to teens. We hope you enjoy our third issue.