Girls Basketball: The long journey ahead

Three Basketballs Photo credit: Flickr

Abraham Davidson, Staff Reporter

 After a season cut short due to COVID, this year’s girls’ basketball team had a set mission to get to the top. However, due to unforeseen circumstances the season has so far not gone to plan. 

The struggling Lady Generals suffer from the inability to have a practice space, weight room and weekend practices, but that is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the state of the team. 

The team also has many first year players who do not have experience, but are determined to learn and improve. With new players, and a new coach, the girls are adjusting to a new dynamic. 

       Working together is an important part of a team because it can have a huge impact on how your team performs. Getting along with each other improves your gameplay, and having a group of different individuals with a variety of talented skills can help accomplish the overall objective, which is to win. UACHS’ Girls Basketball Head Coach, Charles Funches has high expectations for the girls this season.

“The girls were able to come together after at least two years off, and they are willing

 to learn,” said Funches. “They listen and take everything that I’m saying. I feel like it’s a good group.”     

The season started with their first game against Memorial, with an unfortunate loss of 41-3 and their overall lack of communication bleeding onto the court. 

Although it was an upsetting experience, and many of the players had a desire to improve and win, many of the girls have not been showing up for practice. 

Practices are held here at the MPR and at Sacred Heart. It consists of running steps, strength training, drills, and conditioning. It is an essential part of becoming stronger and more cohesive. 

Until the team starts working as one unit it may be a long time until they get their first win. Being on the team is not just about athleticism. It is also being able to communicate and having great character.  

While the girls keep pushing towards the end of the season, hopefully their communication skills and their overall performance improves so that spectators can finally witness their win.